Thursday, March 30, 2006


as promised some pictures Daniel...
It doesn't always look that untidy. And next month we'll have a party there again (that means we are gonna clean it up soon). Risto's desk is free now, and if it is needed I could clear mine (the one with the girl) as well

Monday, March 27, 2006

eeeooo Markus, wish shit flu its over, next time more!
haaa, spring not yet! more snow, more enjoying (we have clips of STIGA SUPER JUMPS
INTERNATIONAL MASTERS OF 06 , coming soon (when i know how to upload))
this pic tells a future not so far, papá drunk goes to pulkamaki with babypulka.

Friday, March 24, 2006

pormesta at his best Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not that anyone gets the wrong idea of how a 'sweet' beach here currently looks like.
Here you look towards it from about a few hundret metres, from the saeside, so to speak. Or from a lost penguin's perspective, if you want to say so, or from a fuckin perch's, if he'd get its head out. taken yesterday, 20th of march. icefishing season is not over yet...

sweet beach

vittun! finally i get how to add pics again!

no moi, - guess that's us -
geht doch...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Fuck - I can't work that shit. How on earth did you get those bloody pictures out there Daniel?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bep, logo 1013 al cantu

és darrer. l'ho de dins es got era café (calent) després de 10 minuts, es temps de fer foc

com veus, s'em dona millor conduir que esquiar. que consti però que vaig intentar "saltar" amb previsible resultat, quan a nes 28anys volem imitar a n'es de 18 passa el que passa (per cert per flipar es salts que fan aquests tius)

hei. fa uns dies vaig fer sa versió postmoderna de jesus. açò de caminar sobre s'aigua ja no. és darrer crit és conduir damunt s'aigua (sensa carnet clar)